Saturday, May 29, 2010

my latest 7 squares

CAN YOU FIND MY PEAS??  there are 3 of them among the leaves, blossoms and vine.  they are hard to find sometimes in real life, too!!
DASHER DOG and his bone

I HAVE HAD GOATS since almost day 1 on this farm that we started over 10 years ago.  we are thinking about getting out of goats, but they have been a big part of my life.

I LOVE BIRDS and nests, and when i work with jewelry, i enjoy pearls.
EVERY YEAR we have a number of barn sallows take up residents in a few of our out buildings.  there she is and her chicks have their mouths open and ready for a  bug.  it is fun to watch them fly, whirl, and dive.  WATCH OUT KITTIES!!

porch flowers and plants

I LOVE SITTING ON MY FRONT PORCH, especially in the spring and fall, but the summer,too, in the mornings and evenings when it is not to hot.  i have alot of fun creating flower pots.  i have seen a hummingbird at my flowers already this year.   instead of buying 3 hanging pots($15+ea.) i bought some little starters from mouse creeknursery i probably spent less on the 3-4plants than on one hanging plant.

I love OXALIS  and now have 5 varieties.  these are 2 of them.  i also have the plain green
and 2 mini varieties purple and green.
i also have some tomatoes on my porch.  these are 100 cherries.


I  have been wanting to talk about my title picture that you see first thing when opening my blog.  I think it is one of my best pictures!  it is taken off my front porch at sunrise one morning a couple of winters ago.  you can see the smoky mountains in the far background.


MY 2  BABY GEESE!!  IT seems silly that there are only 2, hopefully more are on the way.

  The mama geese is still setting on their other eggs, and the rest of the flock is babysitting.  they are very watchful for preditors.  i think it is kinda cool that the whole flock is taking responsibility for the babies.  hopefully more are to come.  there are at least 3 geese setting on eggs in the barn.
AFTER A GREAT RAIN  last night, i decided to head out to check how everything is doing.
i also decided to put in a few more seeds.  last year i had tons of sunflowers, but had not gotten around to planting any this year.  i will tuck a few in where i can.  i have a pot of herbs growing on my back porch and I'll put somemore french thyme and creeping thyme in the pot.

i will RE-plant my limas and scarlet beans. it was either to crowded or something liked my seeds-large tasty bean seeds.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


ball of yarn, house finch, and my knitting.  it's really knitted!!

MY NEW ITIBITS!!  I think  this is my favorite, so far !  it takes up 3 squares +(can't stay in the lines(paula))
sheila, thanks for the yarn and bits of thread.


my beans are sprouting great!  and will hopefully be climbing up my bean tower very soon.  it seems that when they start up the tower, they really take off.
i replanted some of my limas.  they did not seem to be sprouting well.

I HAVE PEAS already!!  and many blossoms on  the pea vines.  they have pretty little white double heart blossoms.

may 12 garden

FOR MOTHERS DAY  mike built me a arbor, of sorts, to support my growing kiwi.  he made it out of leftover oak from building our house.  it is staked into the ground and off the ground with landscaping timbers.  it is very rustic looking!(on purpose)
this is my kiwi plant that has been growing for about 3 years.  i am going to train it to start growing up the arbor. last year it seemed i still had 3 kiwi-2female and1 male. this year, maybe because of the harsh winter i lost 2. so i am going to have to replace the 2 with 1 female and 1 male

i have started training it to grow UP the arbor by tying cotton string lightly around the vine and posts.

i somehow ended up with a very hardy passion flower in my garden.  maybe carried in by seed by birds?  last year it even fruit, but the birds got to it before i did!  with my new arbor i decided to transplant it from a raised bed(2) to the opposite corner from the kiwi.